Sources of Moisture in your Basement
Wet Basements
There are many different ways you can get moisture and water in your basement. Your contractor can help counteract many of these sources.
Cracks in the wall
Cracks in the floor
Window wells
Water seepage between floor and foundation joint
Internal plumbing problems
External drain problems
Factors that Contribute to a Wet Basement
Factors that contribute to water entering your foundation include:
Poor grading of ground around house
Ineffective or missing eaves troughing
Poor down spout placement and insufficient drainage from down spouts
Humid air causing condensation
You ahould definitely be able to have your grading fixed. It may be solvable with some top soil or if it has settled a lot, it may require more fill. I would suggest talking to a local landscaping company that has experience in proper grading. If you want to be really sure things are graded properly, you can hire a civil engineer but that's probably not necessary.
Water leaked into my basement after a very heavy rainfall a couple of months ago. The water came in at the junction of the wall and the floor in only one specific spot. The amount of water that came in was approximately 3-4 litres.
The foundation is cinderblock, and was waterproofed previously with what looks like Tar and a plastic dimpled, platon like structure and weeping tile. The grading around the house is not very good. In fact its pretty poor.
My question is:
Is it possible to just adjust the grading around the house, without doing an excavation ?
Thank you for time, and thanks for putting up this informative website.
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